It is MCCS’ utmost honor to serve and support Marines, Sailors and their families stationed in Twentynine Palms. Supporting you is our mission, showing you all that the Combat Center has to offer. We take pride in helping you make the most of your time here. Because whether you’ve been here for ten days or ten years, there is always more to explore.
Within our website you’ll find tips for thriving in our desert climate and insights into each MCCS facility aboard the base. Consider this site a crash course to the 100+ quality of life programs and facilities offered to our Marines, Sailors and families. MCCS aims to bring a broader quality of life to those aboard the Combat Center. Whether you’re looking for shopping opportunities, a place for a good meal or a location for your next promotion celebration, we can point you in the right direction.
Please remember that the website isn’t the only source of information. You can always keep up with the latest special events, movie premieres or MCX promotions on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; just search “MCCS 29 Palms.” Plus, sign up for our bi-monthly email “Life in 29” to see what’s happening on base and in the community.
We hope you find your time here fulfilling as you step out and embrace all that the Combat Center and local community have to offer. This truly is a unique duty
station, full of opportunities for personal growth for every member of the military community.