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Prevention & Relationship Enhancement Program

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Prevention & Relationship Enhancement Program (P.R.E.P.) is a skills training program established by Dr. Howard J. Markman of the University of Denver Center of Marital and Family Studies. It teaches married or engaged couples communication skills and ground rules for handling conflict and promoting intimacy. The program's aim is to prevent future marital problems including violence and divorce.

P.R.E.P. offers a fresh approach. The workshop and the materials teach couples the skills they need to nurture a lasting love. Couples spend most of their time in special discussions or practicing skills. Key topics include expectations, commitment, fun, forgiveness, friendship, feeling understood and sensuality.

P.R.E.P. is NOT therapy. No encounter group or sharing of personal concerns, simply thrilling insights into a more loving and growth filled relationship.

P.R.E.P. begins with teaching effective communication skills, then addresses problem resolution strategies that work, how to discover the hidden issues in every relationship and then move into forgiveness, fun, friendship and sensuality.

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Hours of operation:

Monday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed



The P.R.E.P. program covers many topics including problem solving, building fun and friendship in your relationship, how to handle issues in an effective way, sensual/sexual enhancement, steps in forgiveness, how to identify and handle expectations, how to raise concerns constructively, how to talk and listen about sensitive subjects and much more.

*P.R.E.P. Classes based on Biblical principles

The Marine Corps Family Team Building staff and your chaplains have teamed up to offer you a truly out-standing program known as "P.R.E.P.".This program has proven so effective in recent years that it has been featured on 20/20, 48 Hours, Oprah, and in many articles of the printed media.


  • You're involved in a close relationship such as seriously dating, an engagement, or a marriage
  • You want romance and passion in your marriage
  • You'd like to be able to talk together as friends
  • You'd sometimes like to shut out all of life's hassles and just be together
  • You're determined to knock down those communication walls that creep up with time and stress


Questions Couples Ask About This Enrichment Workshop:

  • We're doing pretty well; why should we attend a Marriage Enrichment Workshop?

    All of us can improve our skills when it comes to loving the most important people in our lives. Every couple starts off their relationship committed to make it work. Unfortunately, many of us simply do not know HOW to accomplish a healthy and fulfilling marriage. The difficulty is not knowing what to do to make that happen! P.R.E.P. can provide concrete strategies and tools to build a rewarding marriage.
  • Will we be expected to tell a bunch of strangers what our problems are?

    ​No. This is not group therapy; it is an educational and practical application opportunity to learn what works in marriage (and what makes marriage work). It's not necessary that we share those short-falls with the group. Your confidentiality is important to us and will be protected.
  • Why would commands give people time off to attend a Marriage Enrichment Workshop?
    • They really do care about your family relationships
    • If you become more effective at open communication while knowing how to keep discussions from escalating into arguments, it will benefit the workspace as well as at home
    • Participating in this Workshop is a huge boost to family readiness and tranquility
  • Is this a religious program?

    ​​Not at all, although the Bible is a tremendous source of wisdom about how relationships can thrive. No religious nor denominational teachings are included in "Marriage Enrichment: the P.R.E.P. Approach."
  • Enjoying the good times: More than "Don't Worry, Be Happy," learn the secrets of keeping business from crowding-out the fun in your relationship
  • Viva La Difference! Gain fresh insights into why men and women see life so differently. You'll leave with a whole new appreciation for who you are -and whom you love
  • Danger Signs: Learn the danger signs that can lead to marital discord and eventually breakdown of the relationship. Discover how to express your concerns constructively and how to examine hidden issues or expectations that can build so quickly in a marriage


“P.R.E.P. helped me learn to communicate without holding my feelings inside.”

“I now have the tools to make my marriage stronger and become a good listener not just a speaker.”

“P.R.E.P. taught me how to discuss things with my husband without making him feel threatened.”

“With new skills, my marriage will work, I understand my spouse and listen to what he

"This program is going to work and it has made a big difference.”

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