Family Member Employment Resources
At your Installation’s Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP) office, you can expect our highly trained team members to provide active duty family members with support in achieving their personal and professional goals through employment, education, or volunteer opportunities.
FMEAP offers a wide variety of services to ensure you are prepared in whatever it is you are seeking assistance with, whether it’s finding employment, going back to school, or even starting your own business. You can find our knowledgeable staff assisting our clients in a one-on-one session providing a more personalized experience or conducting workshops in front of a larger audience. View a listing of workshops and more information on FMEAP.
Blue Star Spouse Employment Toolkit.
The Blue Star Spouse Employment Toolkit is a comprehensive career guide, developed exclusively for military spouses, which targets and addresses the unique employment challenges military spouses face. The toolkit shows spouses how to leverage their existing volunteer and military life experiences into successfully locating a desired position and includes guidelines for writing a winning resume and nailing an employment interview. Download the toolkit today.
MySECO Individual Career Plan or MyICP
MySECO and MyICP are interactive individual career planning tools, resources, and activities, to help you plan and achieve your career and education goals. When you create an individual career plan on MySECO, you’ll receive customized tools, resources, and activities to help you plan and achieve your career and education goals.
Based on your responses to a series of targeted questions, your individual career plan will be a customized list of steps in a checklist format. By completing all the steps in your plan, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better achieve your current career and education goals. For more information visit MyICP.
MSEP Career Portal.
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) is a Department of Defense program that connects military spouses with 340+ partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote, and retain military spouses. There are more than 250,000 active jobs that are available right now on the Career Portal. Find more information by visiting the MSEP Career Portal.
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN).
The Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that focuses on employment readiness training programs, job placement solutions, and no-cost services to all military-affiliated spouses, retired military spouses, and caregivers to war wounded heroes.
All MSCCN Team Members are military-affiliated, carry bachelor and master degree levels of education, are experienced in corporate and private sector human capital resources, and trained to operate MSCCN’s world-class and user-friendly Talent Management Gateway and Applicant Tracking technology. For more information:
Learn more through your Installation’s Marine & Family Program’s Family Member Employment Assistance Program.