How Leaders Can Take Care of Your Marines through the Marine Intercept Program
The Marine Intercept Program (MIP) is an outreach program offering ongoing support to Marines and attached Sailors who have had suicide ideations (SI) or suicide attempts (SA). Licensed installation Community Counseling Program (CCP) counselors provide follow-up contact, care coordination, and suicide risk assessment to Marines and attached Sailors. The CCP MIP counselors will make a series of caring contacts for 90 days post SI or SA. Research indicates that the risk for a repeat suicide-related event or death by suicide is highest during the first 90 days after the ideation or attempt.
How is MIP initiated?
MIP begins when a command submits a Serious Incident Report (SIR) or Personnel Casualty Report (PCR) in response to a Marine’s reported SI or confirmed SA, per Marine Corps Order (MCO) 3504.2A
What can the MIP counselor tell me as a leader of Marines?
The CCP MIP counselor will work with leadership and provide updates after every contact (or at the discretion of the leader) regarding their Marine’s engagement in the program. MIP can act as a conduit for leadership, helping them engage their Marine in behavioral health services.
Leaders can support MIP by collaborating with the CCP and MIP services. Encourage your Marine to get help, make efforts to reduce his or her access to lethal means, and ensure that your Marine’s follow-up care includes evidenced-informed treatment such as MIP. The Marine’s participation is voluntary, but the MIP counselor will attempt to contact the Marine at scheduled intervals unless he or she explicitly declines. Leadership cannot decline services on behalf of the Marine.
When are Marines or attached Sailors contacted?
CCP’s MCO 1754.14 states that within 24 hours of receiving information, outreach should occur. The CCP counselor will reach out to the command to obtain the Marine’s information and explain MIP. If the Marine accepts voluntary MIP services, the CCP counselor will then reach out to him or her at days 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90. After each outreach to the Marine, the CCP counselor will circle back to the command and inform leadership that contact was or was not made.
What can the Marine or attached Sailor expect in the caring contacts?
Caring contacts are outreach, not therapy. The Marine or attached Sailor will call the installation CCP MIP counselor. During this phone call, the counselor will check in with the Marine, use evidence-informed tools to assess for risk, review the Safety Plan, help the Marine identify any difficulties about receiving care, and make referrals as needed.
For more information on MIP, or to learn about the support resources available, contact your local CCP. If you or someone you know is currently under distress or in an emergency situation, please seek emergency services or contact the DSTRESS line at 877-476-7734.