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Automotive Services it’s a mini van or a Harley, your ride is your ticket to freedom during down time. You want to keep it up and running. With Semper Ride Pro Service, you can. From complex transmissions to simple brake jobs to yearly maintenance, our techs really know what they’re doing. Best of all, they do it all right here on base. We do all the work with ASE Technicians; you can wait in our lobby or drop off your car and pick it up later.
New Hiring Authority for Military Spouses hiring authority provides guidance to employment preference for spouses who are eligible for positions with the Military Spouse Preference (MSP) covering positions NF-03 or below.
OSCAR Teams Provide Peer-to-Peer support for Managing Stress the most motivated and well-trained Marines can find themselves challenged by stress. From everyday life to mission-driven deployments and combat. Stress in the Marine Corps world is inevitable.
Marine Corps Child Care military families with young children require some form of childcare. Unfortunately, the cost of child care is prohibitive for many families. Last month, in a memo titled "Taking Care of Our Service Members and Families," Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, outlined a series of policy changes to help military service members and their families.
Planning for the Transition to Civilian Life Marines for the civilian workforce.
Tired of Feeling Tired? inaugural USMC Sleep Challenge will take place March 4-31 at participating installations.
Being Empathetic Can Help Prevent Suicide to use when approaching individuals that have been recognized as “acting outside their norm” who may need help.
Event at Camp Lejeune Focuses on Suicide Prevention and Wellness Corps Base Camp Lejeune hosts 2024 Suicide Prevention Wellness Symposium.
Balancing Ballin' and Being a Kid into the world of sports specialization and see what it means for young athletes.
Mythbusters: Chaplains play a vital role in supporting Marines and their families.
5 Strategies to Save a Life conversations can make a huge difference. Ask. Listen. Support.
Back to School on a Budget to go back to school on a budget.
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Career Resources offers employment transition assistance services for separating or retiring service members and their adult family members. CRO administers Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) training certification program and one-to-one assistance with resume writing and job interview techniques. CRO hosts semi-annual career fairs and works closely with representatives from the Disabled American Veterans and Veterans’ Administration, which provide counseling services and information on programs and benefits.
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Personal Financial Management Personal Financial Management Program assists Marines and their families in achieving and sustaining personal financial readiness by providing personal financial education, training, counseling, and financial information and referral. A solid understanding of personal finances will build confidence in facing financial challenges, responsibilities and mission readiness.
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American Red Cross Courses Lifeguarding course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide professional-level care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over.