GEICO Military Trunk or Treat a Screaming Success!
MCCS hosted the GEICO Military Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 28, aboard Camp Lejeune. Ghosts, ghouls, and goblins of all ages gathered at the John A. Lejeune Education Center parking lot for a family-friendly event filled with candy, costumes, and fun. The event was a joint effort as MCCS Programs, GEICO Military, and other local community partners came to pass out candy and other treats to more than 2,000 patrons.
Kids came dressed up in their favorite costumes, including superheroes, princesses, ghosts, zombies, and more. They excitedly went from trunk to trunk, holding out their bags and buckets for treats. During the event, patrons visited booths to collect candy, get temporary tattoos, play games, and have fun with friends. One excited little boy could be heard saying, “I have lots of candy and junk food in my bag."
"We love to hold events like this and see the military families having fun and interacting with our staff and each other," Gunnery Seargent Kidd, MCCS Semper Fit Recreation Branch Manager stated. "It also provides families a safe, controlled environment to celebrate Halloween."
"I came out to the Cruise Thru in previous years, but I like the trunk or treat style better," declared Nicole, a mom who came to the event with her family. "Everything being in one place made things easier for our family."
With delighted kids, decorated trunks, and a passionate staff, the GEICO Military Trunk or Treat was a scream for all who attended.
#mccs #camplejeune #halloween #trickortreat #trunkortreat
This MCCS event is sponsored by GEICO Military, Duke Energy, and Marine Federal Credit Union. No federal or DoD endorsement implied.
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