Prevent, Intervene, and Address Bullying
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior. It involves a real or perceived power imbalance, and the behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
Children who are bullied (including the bully), may show the following signs:
- Increased feelings of sadness and loneliness.
- Changes in sleep and eating patterns.
- Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy.
- Physical health complaints.
- Decreased academic achievement and attendance.
Anyone can recommend safe ways that bystanders can prevent and intervene in bullying as an individual or a group. Consider the below prevention and intervention efforts.
Ways to prevent bullying include:
- Being inclusive by welcoming others to join activities and groups.
- Being a role model for pro-social behavior by showing kindness, respect, and empathy for others.
- Walking or sitting with or near vulnerable kids who may be targets of bullying.
- Getting involved with bullying prevention efforts at school or in the community.
Bystanders can intervene during a bullying incident by:
- Defending the target of the bullying.
- Changing the subject.
- Questioning the bullying behavior.
- Using humor to lighten up a serious situation.
- Openly stating an objection to bullying.
- Stating approval of the victim and validating his or her social status.
Bystanders can address bullying after it happens by:
- Reaching out privately to the target of the bullying to express support or concern.
- Reporting the bullying to a trusted adult, teacher, or school administrator.
- Reaching out privately to the person doing the bullying to express concern, if you feel safe doing so.
Talk with your School Liaison, Exceptional Family Member Program, or Youth Programs to learn about clubs, events, and activities where your child can gain confidence and apply skills that help to prevent bullying.
Learn more about Standing Together to Prevent Bullying here.