Substance Misuse

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The Substance Assessment and Counseling Program utilizes evidence-based programming and practices, including prevention education, early intervention initiatives, counseling, and drug and alcohol deterrent activities in order to promote overall health and mission readiness.
  • Education on substance misuse, relationships, stress management, emotional regulation, thinking patterns, as well as addressing issues directly related to alcohol and drug use, including illicit and prescription drugs.
  • Referral to local treatment services and facilitation of the process to move a Marine with a substance misuse disorder through an individualized continuum of care, allowing the Marine to return to duty.
  • Group counseling, coordination of care, continuing care, after care, and case management.
  • Random drug and alcohol screening procedures at the unit level to deter Marines from being under the influence while on duty.
  • Evidence based continuum of prevention, counseling and deterrence activities that prevents career-or life-altering incidents, and supports commanders’ efforts to ensure that Marines arrive to work safe and fit for duty.

Given the complex impact of the combat experience on overall health, each Marine referred to the Substance Assessment and Counseling Center is screened for traumatic brain injury, suicide risk, mental health, and post-traumatic stress disorder in addition to substance misuse.  Following the initial assessment, a Marine can enter at any level of care and move up or down the continuum of care, in response to changing clinical needs.

Licensed, skilled professionals who provide direct services to clients utilizing evidence based practices including screening, assessment, treatment, case management, continuing and aftercare include Alcohol and Substance Assessment Counseling Specialist and Drug Demand Reduction Coordinators. 

Contact Information and Resources
Substance Assessment and Counseling Center

Hours of operation:

Monday 730am - 430pm
Tuesday 730am - 430pm
Wednesday 730am - 430pm
Thursday 730am - 430pm
Friday 730am - 430pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Scheduled appointments only.
Federal Holiday Hours may vary.
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

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