The Semper Fit Human Performance Program provides health education that encourages people to increase control over and to improve their full health potential. Health fairs, classes, workshops, and awareness campaigns are some of the activities provided by the Semper Fit Human Performance Program.


The Marine Corps creates opportunities that promote and improve the health and wellness of the entire Marine Corps community. The Semper Fit Human Performance Program provides health education that encourages people to increase control over and to improve their full health potential. Health fairs, classes, workshops, and awareness campaigns are some of the activities provided by the Semper Fit Human Performance Program.

Monday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Thursday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Friday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Hours are subject to change.
Appointments are recommended.
Federal Holiday Hours may vary.
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.


The Semper Fit Health Promotion program has seven core elements and offers a variety of services for each area:

  1. Tobacco Use Prevention & Cessation - The Operation Tobacco Free Marine Tobacco Cessation Program provides the tools and resources to help you become tobacco free. Individual and group classes are available to the entire Marine Corps community. For units requesting the course, classes can be held at the unit’s preferred location.
  2. Nutrition, Education & Dietary Supplements - Healthy cooking classes, dietary supplement analysis, and general nutrition guidance are some of the activities offered to help you keep a healthy and balanced diet.
  3. Weight Management - Meal planning, commissary tours, and goal setting are among the services offered to support you in obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight.
  4. Chronic Disease Prevention - Blood pressure and blood glucose checks, body fat measurements and cholesterols tests are screenings offered to help prevent long-term diseases. Awareness campaigns in topics, such as breast cancer and diabetes, are also offered during monthly health observances.
  5. Sexual Health & Responsibility - Education on family planning, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and healthy sexual behaviors are offered via classes, health fairs, and in partnership with Navy Medicine.
  6. Physical Activity - Opportunities to establish healthy and active lifestyles are promoted via hands-on classes, health fairs, and special events during monthly and yearly health observances.
  7. Injury Prevention - Education to increase injury awareness and to address common misconceptions about injuries is provided via activities such as hands-on workshops, health fairs, safety briefs, running shoe clinics, and other special events.

Nutrition and Health Education offers one-on-one appointments for any of the following. Appointments are preferred.

  • Nutrition
  • Tobacco
  • Sleep

Nutrition and Health Education provided Unit Briefs are available for any of the following:

  • Nutrition Basics
  • Lifestyle Nutrition
  • Performance Nutrition
  • Tobacco Awareness
  • Sleep

Styku is a 3D body scanner that measures 21 areas of circumference, % body fat, % fat free mass, as well as overall body weight. All the results are digital, and the test is conducted in 35 seconds. No exercise restrictions, no fasting or dietary restrictions and safe to use while pregnant.

Available in 3 locations:

  • Bldg. 1533, Second Floor
  • West Gym, Bldg. 1518
  • Community Cener, Bldg. 1004

Free of charge and open to all authorized patrons. Please contact Warrior Athlete to schedule your scan.

*This is NOT the authorized machine that the Marine Corps uses for BCP measurements*

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