Semper Fit’s Strength and Conditioning program is a comprehensive, combat-focused strength and conditioning program specifically for Marines.


Monday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Thursday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Friday 7:30pm - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Hours are subject to change.
Appointments are recommended.
Federal Holiday Hours may vary.
Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.



Train the Trainer is a five-day comprehensive combat-specific strength and conditioning course. The goal of Train the Trainer is to teach leaders the skills needed to lead effective and safe workouts to enhance unit readiness for deployments and field operations. Attendees will be awarded HITT level 1 certification, TRX level 1 certification, and Train the Trainer level 1 certification.


  • Introductions to Biomechanics - Introduces the basic theories of movement and technical terminology used throughout the five day course.
  • Movement Prep - Introduces components of a proper warm-up sequence and how to apply warm-ups to specific workouts (strength training vs speed training).
  • Strength and Power - Introduces the seven foundational movements of HITT.  Discusses key variables for specific adaptation in a strength and power program such as maximal strength vs muscular endurance.
  • Teaching Techniques - Teaching techniques for the seven foundational movements of HITT and how to properly coach, progress, and regress movements depending on the athletes' needs. Introduce and coach corrective exercise techniques. 
  • Speed, Agility, and Aerobic Capacity (Endurance) - Teach proper warm-ups for speed, agility, and aerobic capacity.  Discuss specific techniques and training variables on how an athlete can improve speed, agility, and aerobic capacity.
  • Cognitive Application/Virtra - Teach PT leaders how they can integrate cognitive-based training into unit PTs.  The goal of this is to replicate the same physiological stress as seen in combat while training to improve Marine's thought processes and decision-making skills. 
  • Military Aquatics - Introduce basic method military aquatics, proper training techniques, and progressions.
  • Tactical Training Modalities - Introduce training modalities when on deployment or during field operations.  Teach Marines how to safely and effectively integrate the tactical course into unit PTs. 
  • TRX Suspension Trainer - Introduce the basic setup and use of the TRX, introduce movements using the TRX, review the benefits of the TRX force tactical conditioning program, and teach progression/regressions of TRX movements.
  • Mobility - Overview of mobility/corrective movements for common injuries seen in trained individuals.  Teach and apply a cool-down sequence for specific workouts (strength vs speed and agility).
  • Program Design - Teach the structure and components of a proper program leading up to deployments: assessments, periodization, and specific training variables for desired adaptations.
  • Basic and Lifestyle Nutrition - Introduces basic nutrition and metabolism, how to prepare for the week (meal prep), hydration and health, alcohol and health, weight management (fat loss/muscle gain), tools available for Marines on base, fad diets, and MREs.
  • Sports Performance Nutrition - Introduces nutrition principles for sports performance based on specific goals, how to eat before-during-post workout, carb-loading, and supplementation.
  • Sleep - Overview of sleep and how it affects an individual's health and performance.
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